13 Ideas (With Tips) For Your Next Photographic Project photography ideas and tips

Photography ideas and tips. Although officially the year begins on January 1, many of us have the feeling that it begins in September, with the school year. Thus, we count the years by school courses, is what happens to the students, to those who are dedicated to teaching, to parents with school-age children and some scatterbrains like me who stayed with the mind in their student days . And all this for what I tell you? Well, very simple, because when the summer is over or, rather, holidays take us to think about new projects, whether or not we stop smoking, to consider going to a gym and all this kind of things, they are like the purposes of new Year. But we’re in a photography blog, right? Well, that’s why I’m going to propose a series of ideas for which you propose a new photographic project.

photography ideas and tips

A few weeks ago I published an article about how to carry out your first photographic project , another article I dedicated to tell you about the mistakes I had made with mine, so that the same thing would not happen to you . Today I focus on ideas to finish making it easy easy

Photography idea and tips

1. One a day for a year
This is a classic. And I think that the more complicated one can be done too long in time and maintaining motivation is not always easy. If you are one of those who throw the towel to the minimum or get tired soon because they need news, maybe it is not your best project. Yes it is if you are constant and you like the big challenges. Of course, although it requires perseverance, it is a brutal exercise, every day you have to exercise the “muscle” creative. Do you have time? Well, go ahead!

2. One a week for a year
This is something softer and lighter than the previous one. It is also long in time and requires perseverance but you have a whole week to take your picture. It is more relaxed but also exercises creativity and keeps you active. You can wear one day a week to not let yourself go, even if you have margin later.

3. Photograph the same landscape throughout the different hours of the day
An excellent exercise to learn to understand light, to check its differences, observe its different nuances and see how it influences a scenario. An interesting project and a great practical exercise. My advice is that you look for a beautiful scene and that at some point the sun rises or sets at a point in the frame. Make a mark in the exact place where you place the tripod, take a good look (and point) at the height at which you put it and note the focal distance. Thus the landscape will be exactly the same, only the light will change. You will be surprised at what that “only” can achieve .

4. Same landscape in different seasons
This is a project that can be beautiful. It will also serve to observe the light, as it not only changes throughout the day, but also between the different seasons. To include a tree in the frame or to make it protagonist can be a good idea, because in them the seasons are reflected perfectly, with their leaf falls, the fruits, et cetera. You can see an example here or here . In the latter it has not been shot exactly from the same place, do you see the importance of marking the place from which you shoot?😉

5. Recreate pictures of your favorite painter
It can be somewhat complex (depending on which is your favorite painter) that if you work well and put a lot of passion it will bring great satisfaction. You can see as an example the work of Desiree Dolron that inspires her photographs in flamenco painters of the s. XVII. She plays fundamentally with lighting and retouching.

photography ideas and tips

Another option is to make a remake of classics of painting, as did, for example, Annie Leibovitz for Vogue .

And who says paintings also says movies, songs or novels. What inspires you most besides photography? Well, that’s what you can pursue, combine two of your passions

6. Reinterpret (not copy) your favorite photographer
Surely you have some (or some) favorite photographer, someone you follow especially, that really inspires you. Well, the idea is to reinterpret their work, which is not the same as copying. I explain. Analyze your photographs, what you like about them, what attracts you the most, the lines, the light, the message … Whatever it is that inspires you, when you have it clear, try to make your own photos by working that aspect what attracts you so much It will be your photos, with your stamp but with the essence that you like about that author.

7. Portraying all the members of your family
Although making a portrait may seem easy, it is not. Here the easy thing is that being your family you play with two advantages of departure, the physical closeness (if you live away from them, surely you will see them at some point and if you do not focus on those closest to you) and that you know them. A portrait of truth, one that immediately catches the attention of the public is one that captures beyond the face. Tell your audience how your family is only with images.

8. Meteorology
Another project that may be interesting is to make a meteorological series, that is, to photograph the different meteorological phenomena: rain, wind, storm, fog, clouds, tornado, et cetera. In this article you can see different photographs taken at different meteorological moments, so you can see the charm of each of them. Yes, I recommend that you protect your equipment (not hide it.

9. Photograph the moon for several months in different scenarios
For the lunatics, romantic or nocturnal (or all together) I bring this idea. It is about capturing the moon from different places. The moon, whether full or crescent, alone in an image does not have as much charm as if you set it in an interesting place, in fact it can be very boring, as exercise is fine, but if you want something more, do not leave it alone; ).

Look for different scenarios and let them embrace it. Each month a different scenario, the months you decide, six, twelve, twenty-four … Here you have 13 tips to photograph the moon , if you’re attracted to this project do not miss them!

10. Photographing different sports
If you are a sports lover, this may be your project. Select a series of sports, for example, risk, or ball, or gym. Try to be similar so that the project has greater coherence and focus on one aspect of sport, which may be sacrifice, companionship, overcoming or what interests you most or attracts you to sports in general or those in particular.

11. Portraying pets and their owners photography ideas and tips
Maybe your thing is not the sport and yet the animals rush you. Well here is another idea, ask all your family and friends to lend themselves to their pets. Maybe you can prove that every pet ends up looking like its owner, or was it the other way around?

12. Before and after
Do you really like your city? Do you know how it has really changed in the last fifty or a hundred years? Look for old photographs of your city and recreate the same angle to reflect the passage of time. You can play to include the old image inside the frame and make a forced perspective or simply recreate as accurate as possible the angle of shot and show your image next to the old one.

13. Self-portraying once a week for a year
Have you ever portrayed yourself beyond the selfie-elongation-the-hand-with-your-mobile? Well, if you really like photography, you should try it. The self-portrait is a great exercise and you always have it at hand. If you have a tripod (or you can get it), you may want to try this challenge. So you can also see how you change during a year, how your mood can be reflected in your look or your expression. It will be a practical and probably emotional exercise

You can always choose the same frame or you can find different ways and places to portray yourself. Depending on what you look for with your project and what you want to play or create.

And if you do not have a tripod and you want to play with reflexes, it’s another possibility.

I think you have a few ideas to begin with. Or maybe one of these thirteen has suggested another one that attracts you more

Do you want to tell us what your next project will be? Are you going to cheer up with any of these? We want to know! And if you find this reading useful, do not hesitate to share it. Let the muses fly to as many readers as possible Thank you for joining me here.